Daily Archives: March 13, 2020
COVID-19 Update March 11 share
March 11, 2020
Dear Spare Time families,
I would like to update you on the preventative measures we are taking regarding the COVID-19 virus.
We take direction from our licensing body, the Ministry of Health, and we are following the recommendations provided to us by the Office of the Provincial Health Officer and BC Communicable Disease Control’s publication: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) B.C. public health guidance for schools and childcare programs.
We are promoting hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by:
- supervising and assisting proper handwashing when the children arrive at the centre, before eating and when they come in from the outside.
- reminding children how to sneeze into at tissue or a flexed elbow and having them wash their hands after they dispose of tissues.
We are maintaining and increasing cleaning and disinfecting by:
- daily cleaning and disinfecting of high touch objects and surfaces (such as door handles, tables, toys)
- Removal of soft toys
- Disinfecting high touch areas in our vans and busses
We are planning to operate our spring break programs, but as new information is emerging daily, we may have to change some of our field trip plans, for the safety and well-being of the children and staff. We were told in a communication on March 10 from the office of Chief Medical Health Officer that “It is not necessary to cancel childcare facility events, outings or field trips to public locations.”
We have considered alternate activities that will keep us based at the centres and will make changes based on future directives from the Ministry of Health and inform you of any such changes. As of today, there is no plan to close schools.
If you decide to remove your child from care during the Spring Break, you will be refunded and there will be no penalty, but we ask that you please cancel by Friday March 13, or Friday March 20 for the week ahead.
Astrid Visscher
Spare Time Child Care Society